Your Character's Alignment
Based on your answers to the quiz,
your character's most likely alignment is Chaotic Evil.
You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, but without you, none of us could go on.
What inner color are you?
Lawyer You scored 65 intelligence, 53 diligence, 39 charisma, and 37 compassion! |
You are
hard-working and intelligent, but unlikeable and unethical. You will
exploit any loophole and do most anything for money. Just remember, you
are above the law. Other jobs you might be good at: actuary, accountant |
![]() |
Link: The Ideal Job for Your Personality Test written by newbluechampion on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Marko Olet keijutaustastasi irti ravistautunut ICT-alan konsultti ja kovan tietotekniikan ekspertti, jolla on ongelmia sosiaalisuutta vaativissa tilanteissa ja taustasi toistuvissa esiinpompsahtamisissa. Kukaan ei tahdo uskoa sinun olevan millään tavoin maaginen. |
Advanced Big 30 Personality Test
Courage, strength, fortitude. Power not arrested in the act of judgement, but passing on to further action, sometimes obstinacy.
This is a card of courage and energy. It represents both the Lion's hot, roaring energy, and the Maiden's steadfast will. The innocent Maiden is unafraid, undaunted, and indomitable. In some cards she opens the lion's mouth, in others she shuts it. Either way, she proves that inner strength is more powerful than raw physical strength. That forces can be controlled and used to score a victory is very close to the message of the Chariot, which might be why, in some decks, it is Justice that is card 8 instead of Strength. With strength you can control not only the situation, but yourself. It is a card about anger and impulse management, about creative answers, leadership and maintaining one's personal honor. It can also stand for a steadfast friend.
What Tarot Card are
Take the Test to
Find Out.
1. Are you male or female? YYZ 2. Describe yourself Chain Lightning Nobody's Hero Tom Sawyer 3. How do some people feel about you? Losing it. Neurotica 4. How do you feel about yourself? Prime Mover 5. Describe your boy/girlfriend Natural Science 6. Where would you rather be? Dreamline 7. Describe what you want to be Freewill 8. Describe how you live Between the Wheels 9. Describe how you love Cold Fire 10. Share a few words of wisdom Roll the Bones
Me And My Sins (May 2004) WRATH 1. Who did you last get angry with? Probably some poor bastard who called me at work and didn't have a clue. 2. What is your weapon of choice? My fists of fury. 3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? Yes. If I really felt I should hit someone, gender is not going to stop me. 4. How about of the same sex? Yes. Same as above. 5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you? Some poor bastard over the phone. I have a tendency to drive people angry. They do the same to me. 6. What is your pet peeve? Using learned helplessness as an excuse. 7. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? No grudges. SLOTH 1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time? Physical exercise. 2. What is the latest you've ever woken up? I've woken up at every hour of the day. 3. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't. Lissu, I think. 4. What is the last lame excuse you made? "I have no inspiration to do this now, so I'd best do it tomorrow, and anyhow I'm tired and whatever..." 5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through (one of the long ones...)? I don't think so. 6. When was the last time you got a good workout? Last month, at a rock concert. 7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today? Zero. I don't generally even use alarm clocks, let alone the snooze button. I'm good at waking up. GLUTTONY 1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? None. 2. Meat eaters: white meat or dark meat? Inapplicable. 3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? A couple of glasses of whiskey. Not much of a drinker. 4. Have you ever used a professional diet company? No. 5. Do you have an issue with your weight? No. Or maybe that I've lost so much of it. 6. Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy food? Spicy all the way. 7. Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, LUNCH? No. LUST 1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)? Hundreds. 2. How many people have seen YOU naked? Hundreds. (An American test, eh?) 3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation? Yes, sometimes. 4. Have you "done it"? Yes. 5. What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice? Even assuming I had a gender of choice, it depends. 6. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? Nope. 7. Have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy? Nope. Maybe I oughta have though. GREED 1. How many credit cards do you own? Just one. 2. What's your guilty pleasure store? Any store that sells computer games and DVDs. 3. If you had $1 million, what would you do with it? Buy gold. Buy a house. Give something to Amnesty and Greenpeace. 4. Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich. I am already famous. 5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks? This really depends. If the job was also unethical, definitely no. Money really isn't the main issue for me. 6. Have you ever stolen anything? Yes. I have a criminal past. 7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive? 4620 PRIDE 1. What one thing have you done that you're most proud of? I'm proud of most things I do, no single thing really stands out. Probably I'm most proud about being who I am, even though it's not really that difficult. 2. What one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of? I really have no idea if they are proud of anything I've ever done after graduating high school. I think they're quite ashamed of me really. 3. What thing would you like to accomplish in your life? I'd like to save the world. (Point here not being that _I_ be the one that saves the world, just that the world gets saved.) 4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Occasionally. 5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? I've argued on the Usenet, does this count? 6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score? Yes. I dislike stupid tests intensely, and will cheat if possible. Plus, I'm just a dishonest bastard at heart. 7. What did you do today that you're proud of? I haven't gotten angry at anybody yet, but they day is still young. ENVY 1. What item (or person) of your friend's would you most want to have for your own? A right foot that works properly, since I managed to break my own. I'm not really big on owning things. 2. Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces"? Huh? 3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be? No one else. Ok, maybe Inari. Probably not even her. 4. Have you ever been cheated on? No. By definition, this is impossible; I only have open relationships. 5. Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? Yes. I used to dislike my facial features with a passion. 6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? Patience. 7. Do you wish you'd come up with this survey? No fucking way. 8. Finally, what is your favorite deadly sin? Pride. Describes me best.
VIIMEKSI (Huhtikuu 2006) 1. Mitä teit viimeksi? Katsoin Rosemary's Babyn yksin. Pelotti hurjasti. 2. Mille nauroit viimeksi? Erittäin tyhmälle irkissä kuulemalleni legendalle 3. Missä olit viimeksi? New Yorkissa, ainakin henkisesti 4. Ketä halasit viimeksi? Kaisaa 5. Ketä tervehdit viimeksi? Pomoani 6. Ketä kättelit viimeksi? Tonjaa, joka demosi jonkun hahmon kauheaa kädenpuristusta 7. Kelle soitit viimeksi? Yliopiston vierastalon asiakaspalveluun 8. Kuka soitti sinulle viimeksi? Joku jolla oli atk-ongelma 9. Kelle tekstasit viimeksi? Susannalle 10. Keltä sait viestin viimeksi? Susannalta 11. Mitä ostit viimeksi? Mehua, kun ajattelin että kauhuleffaa katsoessa on hyvä olla mehua. 12. Mitä lainasit viimeksi? Ei aavistustakaan. Kaikki mitä ei ole naulattu kiinni kuuluu minulle... eikä liioin aavistustakaan, mitä annoin viimeksi lainaksi. 13. Mitä sanoit viimeksi? "Mä en pääse ikinä kotiin täältä", valitus töissä joskus vähän ennen viittä. 14. Mitä kuuntelit viimeksi? Rushin "Chain Lightningin" 15. Mitä lauloit viimeksi? Policen "King of Painin" 16. Mitä joit viimeksi? Appelsiinimehua 17. Mitä söit viimeksi? Juustoleipiä 18. Milloin teit kotitöitä viimeksi? Vaihdoin juuri paristot vahvistimen kaukosäätimeen, eikös se ole kotityö? 19. Milloin teit jotain ikimuistoista? Koko ajan tulee tehtyä jotain ikimuistoista. Olisin tosi huolissani jos ei tulisi. 20. Milloin nautit alkoholia viimeksi? Pari viikkoa sitten, kun joku muu maksoi. 21. Milloin poltit tupakkaa viimeksi? Koskaan polttanut. Sen sijaan hahmoni Kari poltti viimeisen savukkeensa pyhäinpäivänä 2005. 22. Milloin tanssit viimeksi? Uutenavuotena. 23. Milloin teit jotain pahaa viimeksi? Joitain tunteja sitten sanoin jollekulle pahasti ja sarkastisesti. Yllättävän kauan siitä jo onkin. 24. Mitä luit viimeksi? David Gerroldin "A Season for Slaughteria". On tässä ollut vähän chtorr-henkistä viime päivät. 25. Mitä paitaa käytit viimeksi? Jostain kaappiini ilmestynyttä mustaa poolopaitaa. 26. Kenet tutun näit viimeksi? Tonja oli viimeinen ihminen jonka näin Cosmicista poistuessani. 27. Minkä elokuvan näit viimeksi? Rosemary's Baby 28. Mitä tärkeää teit viimeksi? Tein tärkeän päätöksen kirjoittaa OpenOffice-kokeilukutsu yliopistolaisille. Joka päivä pitää tehdä jotain tärkeää. 29. Mitä urheilua katsoit viimeksi? Eilen katsomassani Starship Troopersissa taisivat pelata jenkkifutista. 30. Mitä elämällesi hyödyllistä teit viimeksi? Kuuntelin kaunista musiikkia
ONE. WORD. (May 2007) Only. Type. One. Word. No. Explaining. 1. Where is your cell phone? pocket 2. Relationship? free 3. Your hair? pretty 4. Work? bureaucrat 5. Your sister? silly 6. Your favorite thing? experience 7. Your dream last night? underground 8. Your favorite drink? juice 9. Your dream car? Porsche 10. The room you're in? mine 11. Your shoes? sneakers 12. Your fears? climate 13. What do you want to be in 10 years? unknown 14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? nobody 15. What you're not good at? nicieties 16. Muffin? no 17. One of your wish list items? GPS 18. Where you grew up? Finland 19. The last thing you did? blogged 20. What are you wearing? towel 21. What aren't you wearing? clothes 22. Your pet none 23. Your computer? MacBook 24. Your life? interesting 26. Missing? nothing 27. What are you thinking about right now? music 28. Your car? no 29. Your kitchen? useless 30. Your summer? workworkwork 31. Your favorite color? yellow 32. When is the last time you laughed? Friday 33. Last time you cried? tv 34. School? work 35. Love please
THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE: 1) Run incredible games 2) Do outrageous stunts 3) Rock out THREE NAMES YOU GO BY: 1) Dare 2) Aksu (relatives only, no others need apply) 3) Aleksi (same as above) THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU HAVE HAD: 1) darishante 2) - 3) - THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: 1) Voice 2) Expressions 3) Posture THREE PARTS OF YOUR HERITAGE: 1) Right-wing loonies 2) Some more right-wing loonies 3) Religious nutcases THREE THINGS THAT SCARE YOU: 1) The human capacity for apathy 2) Not being understood 3) Lead climbing THREE OF YOUR EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: 1) Music 2) Wikipedia 3) Email THREE THINGS YOU ARE WEARING RIGHT NOW: 1) A semi-wity T-shirt 2) Cargo pants 3) A quickdraw keychain THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS/MUSICAL ARTISTS: 1) Rush 2) Pink Floyd 3) Flogging Molly THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS (in no particular order): 1) Blue Öyster Cult: (Don't Fear) The Reaper 2) Julia Ecklar: Lulaby for a Weary World 3) Bruce Springsteen: Born to Run THREE THINGS YOU WANT IN A RELATIONSHIP: 1) Enthusiasm 2) Shared passions 3) Communication TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (in no particular order): 1) I am shy 2) I love physics 3) I am a decent programmer THREE PHYSICAL THINGS ABOUT THE PREFERRED SEX THAT APPEAL TO YOU: 1) Large eyes 2) A "non-fragile" look (e.g. goths in corsets need not apply) 3) A beautiful voice THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE HOBBIES: 1) Roleplaying 2) Climbing 3) Sarcasm THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO REALLY BADLY RIGHT NOW: 1) Write games 2) Go caving 3) Go back to Japan THREE CAREERS YOU'RE CONSIDERING/YOU'VE CONSIDERED: 1) Lawyer 2) Researcher 3) System Administrator THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO ON VACATION: 1) Antarctica 2) Low Earth Orbit 3) The caves under Budapest THREE KID'S NAMES YOU LIKE: 1) Sade 2) Usva 3) Virve THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A GIRL: 1) I love soap opera 2) I adore boys with long hair 3) I like to dress up THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A BOY: 1) I have a closet full of toy weapons 2) I brag a lot 3) I fall asleep after sex THREE PEOPLE THAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE TAKE THIS QUIZ NOW: 1) Jari 2) Eppu 3) JD
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